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欢迎! We are excited to have you transition to college at Southern Crescent.


The sections below will guide you step-by-step through the application process. We want to make this process as simple and easy as possible for you.


Contact the 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台 职业服务 Specialist to decide which program best suits your needs.

Marquita Traylor
职业服务 & 业务专家



申请费为25美元,不可退还. 以前学生的申请费可获豁免. 你可以付款了 在线 (如果你在网上申请), 在人,通过邮件或电话 770-228-7275.

If you have any questions about the application or admissions feel free to email admissions@flcoastline.com 或透过电邮联络我们 770-228-7348.

To check your 在线 application status, follow the instructions on 在线申请状态.


Having your test scores helps us make sure we give you the best chance of success. The 佐治亚技术学院系统 is committed to assisting each student to achieve at their maximum potential.

所有申请文凭的学生, 学位, and certificate programs must be assessed prior to acceptance to a program of study at a Technical College.


  • 行为/天性
  • P坐
  • TABE 9-10 scores of 461 or higher in 阅读 and 442 or higher in Math for placement into entry-level workforce certificate programs
  • TABE 11/12 scores of 501 in 阅读 for Levels M and D and 496 for Mathematics on Levels M and D. A score of 536 for 阅读 if using Level A and 537 for Mathematics if using Level A.
  • 乔治亚里程碑文学 & 美国佐治亚州里程碑作曲
  • 文学 & 作文(只限英语入学要求)
  • 高中GPA 2.0或更高
  • Approved Entry Level Workforce Certificates do not have a minimum High School GPA requirement
  • GED® Math or 阅读 must meet the minimum passing score used for placement into any certificate, 文凭, 或者学位课程
  • HiSET®数学, 阅读, or 语言 Arts must meet the minimum passing score for placement into any certificate, 文凭, 或者学位课程.
  • Completed TCSG form documenting two years of work/career-related experience for approved Entry Level Workforce Certificates
  • Accuplacer /伴侣
  • 罗盘/资产

Students possessing an Associate’s 学位 or higher from a regionally accredited institution shall be exempted from placement requirements.

All scores must be valid based on the program minimum requirements. The student may be required to retest or provide acceptable transfer coursework prior to readmission.

If you are a former Southern Crescent student or attended a regional accredited institution, and you completed a College 英语 or College Algebra course and received a grade of C or better, 你不需要参加ACCUPLACER测试.

ACCUPLACER is a suite of tests that determines your knowledge in math, reading and writing as you prepare to enroll in college-level courses. ACCUPLACER is used to identify your strengths and weaknesses in each subject area and to help you improve your skills through interactive 在线 learning tools. 评估结果, 结合你的目标和兴趣, are used by academic advisors to place you in the appropriate college courses.

同伴 are paper-and-pencil format tests for students who choose not use the computer-based test. The paper-and-pencil 同伴 tests have been designed to use the same score scales as the computer-adaptive tests in ACCUPLACER.

有关测试的更多信息,请参阅我们的 测试服务 page.


TCSG程序.2.2p: “Each college shall be responsible for the verification of the lawful presence in the United States of every successfully admitted student applying for Georgia resident tuition status as required by state and federal immigration laws.”


  • Students who file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and are eligible for federal student aid will have their lawful presence verified as part of the FAFSA process.
  • 原件或经认证的美国护照的清晰复印件.S. 出生证明显示该学生出生在美国.S. 还是U ?.S. 美国领土.S. Certificate of Birth Abroad issued by the Department of State (DS-1350) or a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (FS-240). The copy must very clearly show the raised or written seal to be acceptable.
  • A U.S. 入籍证书(USCIS表格N-550或N-570).
  • A U.S. 公民证书(USCIS表格N-560或N-561).
  • A电流U.S. 护照.
  • Unexpired Georgia and select out of state Drivers licenses and state ID cards can be accepted under certain conditions. 必须是真实身份证件 and not contain any of the verbiage listed in the table on the 招生政策 page.  If the copy received has the top portion of the card cut off the document will not satisfy lawful presence.
  • A current military ID (service member only, not dependent). Documented using the Confirmation of Review of Military ID Worksheet – A photocopy is not acceptable.
  • A current, valid Permanent Resident Card (USCIS form I-151 or I-551). 我们需要两个正面 & back sides of your Permanent Resident Card to be submitted. It must not expire before the first day of class of the term the student will start classes.
  • 成绩为F的学生被录取, J or M Visa will have their lawful presence verified through the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).
  • Students admitted on any other Visa will have their lawful presence verified through the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program.


To receive any financial aid you must complete the FAFSA (www.fafsa.ed.政府).

  • 南新月学校守则: 005621

该申请是获得佩尔助学金所必需的, 希望格兰特, 希望奖学金, 学生贷款, 以及其他财政援助十大网赌平台推荐. NOTE: Students who have not earned a GED or High School 文凭 can not received federal aid.

Individuals may apply for financial aid BEFORE being before accepted to the College.

If you would like to learn more about what financial aid may be available to you, visit our 金融援助 page.